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发布时间:2018-07-09 点击数:

日程安排(Conference Agenda)

July 9th, 2018, Monday

08:30 - 08:40

Opening Ceremony

Leader from University

08:40 – 08:50

Introduction of InterPore

Oleg Iliev, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany

Session 1

ChairmanJun Yao, Kai Zhang

08:50 - 09:20

Machine Learning in the Subsurface

Dongxiao Zhang, Peking University, China

09:20 - 09:45

Multiscale Simulation for Gas Flow in Micro/nano Pores of Deep-Seated Rocks

Moran Wang, Tsinghua University, China

09:45 - 10:10

Stable and scalable sequential schemes for compositional simulation

Arthur Moncorgé, TOTAL E&P,UK


Group Photo & Tea break

Session 2

ChairmanHossein Hejazi, Yongfei Yang


A Divide-and-Conquer Method for Large-Scale Water Flooding Optimization

Kai Zhang, China University of Petroleum (East China), China


Multiphysics simulations of electrochemical devices using pore network modeling

Jeff Gostick, University of Waterloo, Canada


Digital Rock Physics for Petro-physical Analysis of Reservoir Rocks: Challenges and Opportunities

Jingsheng Ma, Heriot-Watt University, UK


Session 3

ChairmanChristoph Arns, Jianchao Cai

14:30 - 15:00

Quantification of Multi-Scale Nature of the Porous Media Flows and Scale Up: Current Challenges

Birol Dindoruk, Shell International E&P Inc.,USA

15:00 - 15:25

Finite analytic numerical method for fluid flows in heterogeneous porous media

Xiaohong Wang, University of Science & Technology of China, China

15:25 – 15:50

Organic hosted and intergranular pore networks: Topography and Topology in Grains, Gaps &.Bubbles

Andrew Matthew,Carl Zeiss(Shanghai)Co., Ltd

15:50 – 16:15

Multi-scale Pore Network Modeling of Gas Transport in Shale Gas Reservoirs

Wenhui Song,China University of Petroleum (East China), China

16:15 - 16:45

Tea break & Poster Discussion

Session 4

ChairmanStefan Iglauer, Yingfang Zhou

16:45 - 17:10

Progresses on research of digital core techniques by fractal geometry

Boming Yu , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

17:10 - 17:35

A Data Enabled Model for Coupling Dual Porosity Flow with Free Flow

Craig C.Douglas,University of Wyoming, USA

17:35 - 18:00

Flow simulation in unconventional reservoirs: from nano-scale to micro-scale

Yongfei Yang, China University of Petroleum (East China), China


Welcome Dinner, Yanxi Hall, 1st Floor,Blue Horizon Hotel (蓝海一楼燕喜堂)

July 10th, 2018, Tuesday

Session 5

ChairmanArthur Moncorgé, Moran Wang

08:30 - 09:00

The Impact of Fracture Roughness on Permeability-Stress Relationships

Roland Horne, Stanford University, USA

09:00 - 09:25

On pore scale simulation of reactive flow

Oleg Iliev, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany

09:25 - 09:50

Determination of fractal structure parameters and flow characteristics of porous media based on digital rock images

Jianchao Cai, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),China


Pore-scale Simulations Using Boltzmann Equation for Conventional and Unconventional Rock Samples

Jun Li, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

10:15 - 10:45

Tea break & Poster Discussion

Session 6

ChairmanJeff Gostick, Jingsheng Ma

10:45 – 11:10

Integrating conventional and digital rock physics for advanced petrophysical cross-correlations

Christoph Arns, The University of New South Wales, Australia

11:10 - 11:35

Several breakthroughs on pore network modelling for complex rocks

Zeyun Jiang, Heriot-Watt University, UK

11:35 - 12:00

A diffusive interface method for two-phase flows with soluble surfactants

Guangpu Zhu, China University of Petroleum (East China), China


Session 7

ChairmanCraig C.Douglas, Boming Yu

14:30 - 15:00

Reservoir Simulations and Molecular Simulations of Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Formations

Abbas Firoozabadi, Yale University, USA

15:00 - 15:25

Coal microstructures and how they are affected by fluid-rock interactions

Stefan Iglauer, Edith Cowan University, Australia

15:25 - 15:50

Numerical study of hydraulic fracturing in an anisotropic poroelastic medium via a hybrid EDFM-XFEM approach

Qingdong Zeng,China University of Petroleum (East China), China

15:50 - 16:15

Pore scale visualisations of oil-water-additive interactions in reservoir-mimetic microfluidic

Hossein Hejazi, University of Calgary, Canada

16:15 - 16:45

Tea break & Poster Discussion

Session 8

ChairmanZeyun Jiang, Xiaohong Wang

16:45 - 17:10

Capillary Pressure and Dynamic effects in Mixed-wet Porous Media

Yingfang Zhou, Aberdeen University, UK

17:10 - 17:35

Numerical Heterogeneous Core Modeling Based on CT-Images for Coreflooding Simulation

Yupeng Li, Beijing Research Center, EXPEC ARC, Saudi Aramco.

17:35 - 18:00

Numerical simulation of the heat extraction in EGS with wellbore-reservoir coupling based on discrete fractures model

Xu Zhang, China University of Petroleum (East China), China

